The Suisun Force Main (SFM) is an approximately three-mile-long pipeline built in 1974 that transports raw sewage from Suisun Pump Station to the District’s wastewater treatment plant. The force main is approaching the end of its design life, and in 2017, a condition assessment of the pipe revealed that it is potentially at risk of internal corrosion. The force main crosses major infrastructure including Highway 12, and the Union Pacific Railroad and portions extend through sensitive habitat. The upstream most 1-mile of the pipeline between the District’s Suisun Pump Station and Central Pump Station currently has no redundancy and cannot be taken offline to conduct a thorough condition assessment or rehabilitation.


In 2023, FSSD completed an analysis of potential alternatives to improve the reliability of the SFM. The analysis factors included community impacts, reliability, environmental impacts, capacity, and cost. Based on the analysis, it was determined that the preferred solution is to construct a new dual force main between the Suisun Pump Station and Central Pump Station. The construction path chosen for the dual force main causes minimizes disruption through our cities while providing cost effectiveness and ensuring sustainable operation and maintainability for decades to come.


FSSD has prepared an IS/MND in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and State Revolving Fund Requirements, which is expanded beyond the typical content requirements of an initial study to include “CEQA-Plus” information. 

This IS/MND is a public information document that describes the project, existing environmental setting at the project site, and potential environmental impacts of construction and operation of the project. It is intended to inform the public and decision makers of the project’s compliance with CEQA, the state CEQA Guidelines, and the CWSRF program requirements.

FSSD circulated the IS/MND to interested/responsible agencies and to the State Clearinghouse of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Reseach and the Solano County Clerk for a 30-day public review period that ended November 8, 2024. The following memorandum documents review of public comments received during the public review period and provides written responses to those comments where necessary:


1974– The Suisun Pump Station and Force Main were constructed.

1988– Central Pump Station and Force Main were constructed to convey wastewater flows from central Fairfield, reducing demand on Suisun Pump Station and creating a parallel pipeline along the lower 2/3 of the Suisun Force Main alignment.

2013– Central/Suisun FM equalization project was constructed to provide control over the distribution of wastewater flow between Suisun and Central Pump Stations into the Suisun Force Main, Central Force Main, or both, depending on conditions.

2023– Suisun Force Main Reliability Alternatives Analysis was completed, which identified construction of a new dual force main as the preferred solution.

2024-2025– Design, Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Bidding

2026-2027 (planned) – Construction

During every step of the project, FSSD is committed to working with members of the community and our partner agencies to address any concerns you may have about the project.  Please contact our staff if you’re interested in learning more about the project or have any input you’d like to share!

For additional information about The Suisun Force Main please contact Karl Ono, Project Manager, at (707) 428-9129 or