Request for Proposal

Cordelia Pump Station Expansion & Lopes Road Lift Station/Force Main Capacity Improvements – Preliminary Design Services

The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (District) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to perform preliminary design services for the expansion of Cordelia Pump Station, improvements to Lopes Road Lift Station, and capacity improvements to Lopes Road Force Main. The selected consultant’s work will be used to identify a preferred project scope, which will be used to inform the design of the improvements. The initial deliverable will be a Preliminary Design Report. The firm selected to complete the Preliminary Design Report as part of this competitive pursuit, at the District’s discretion, may be awarded the design of the improvements.

The principal contact with the District will be Kyle Broughton, Senior Engineer. Contact information is: 707-428-9124, Any questions on the content or intent of anything contained in this RFP shall be submitted in writing to the District, and answers to those questions may be shared with all proposing consultant teams. The District makes no assurances that questions received within ten (10) days of the proposal due date will be answered. The District is open to meeting with interested firms, by appointment, up until June 28, 2024.

Supporting Document: RFP <– Click here to view

Proposals will be accepted in ELECTRONIC FORMAT (PDF), by email. It is the proposing firm’s responsibility to ensure receipt of the proposal by District staff prior to the deadline Wednesday, July 10,2024 at 1:00PM PST. Complete proposal should be sent as a single file to the following address:

Kyle Broughton, Senior Engineer
Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District
1010 Chadbourne Road
Fairfield, CA 94534-2700

Financial Advisory Services

The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (District) is requesting Proposals from qualified firms to be a strategic partner with the District by providing financial advisory services including, but not limited to, evaluating financing options for major capital improvement projects, debt management, obtaining and enhancing credit ratings, long-term strategic financial planning, effectively pursuing State Revolving Fund (SRF) and Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loans, managing bond issuances and alternative financing instruments.

Any questions on the content or intent of anything contained in this RFP shall be submitted in writing to the District’s principal contact, James Russell-Field, Director of Administrative Services at and answers to those questions may be shared with all proposing consultant teams. Questions related to the RFP are due by June 10, 2024 at 5pm, PST. Questions received after this deadline will not be considered.

Supporting Documents:
Addendum No. 1

Proposals will be accepted in ELECTRONIC FORMAT (PDF), by email. It is the proposing firm’s responsibility to ensure receipt of the proposal by District staff prior to the deadline Friday, June 21, 2024, 5pm PST. Complete proposal should be sent as a single file to the following address:

James Russell-Field, Director of Administrative Services