Request for Proposal

Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering Services for Electrical Replacement Phase 2 Project

The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (District) is requesting Proposals from qualified, multi-disciplinary engineering firms to provide civil, structural, and mechanical engineering services for the Electrical Replacement Phase 2 (ERP-2) Project. The requested services will support electrical and controls design work which is currently underway (90% design stage) via a separate design firm. The goal of all work is to provide critical standby power system upgrades to one of the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Electrical 12kV-480V Substation power distribution facilities (in Fairfield, CA) and one offsite Suisun Pump Station (in Suisun City, CA).

Pre-Proposal Site Visit: January 28, 2025 at 9:00 AM (Optional)

The Pre-Proposal meeting will be held at the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District Wastewater Treatment Plant (1010 Chadbourne Road, Fairfield, CA 94534), followed by a site visit to review each of the project locations in detail.  Please refer to the link below for a map showing where to enter the treatment plant facility, as well as information showing the visitor parking area and formal meeting location inside the Plant.
Pre-RFP Meeting Site Map

Proposal Due Date: February 20, 2025 by 2:00 PM

Project Scope:
The project scope for power system upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical Substation “D” (12kV-480V) generally consists of providing civil, structural, and mechanical engineering services to supplement ongoing electrical and controls design work currently at the 90% design stage.  The project will remove existing Substation “D” electrical facilities (switchgear, motor control centers, control panels, and other critical electrical equipment) and install a new prefabricated electrical building which will function as the new Electrical Substation “D” facility.  The scope also includes preparing the foundation and site design for the new Substation building, two transformer pads, and approximately 800 linear feet of interconnecting duct bank and related above and below ground improvements needed to extend new power feeders to the underside of the new building, and other site work needed to intercept and extend power feeders and controls from the existing substation facility to the underside of the new building.

The project scope for standby power system upgrades at the offsite Suisun Pump Station generally consists of providing civil, structural, and mechanical engineering services to support ongoing electrical and controls design work needed to install a new, 1,250kW standby diesel generator and 2,970-gallon belly fuel tank housed inside a weatherproof enclosure with SCR/UREA emissions controls installed on top of the enclosure. The new generator, enclosure, and emissions control system will be installed together on top of an elevated concrete pad meeting local building codes and related requirements for construction within FEMA’s designated Special Flood Hazard Area (Zone AE).  New power and controls will connect the generator to a new termination switchboard and Automatic Transfer Switch located inside the Pump Station Building. Other requested design services are anticipated to include preparing the site design for removal of an existing aboveground diesel fuel storage tank, including concrete containment bay and related piping and controls, and preparing the site and foundation designs needed to relocate the pump station’s odor scrubber facility and related power and controls, and installation of new interconnecting duct bank and other related electrical, mechanical, and civil site improvements.

Please reference the District’s Request for Proposals for a detailed scope of services expected for the project.

Deadline for submitting questions:  February 12, 2025
Principal contact:  Ian Bronswick – Associate Engineer, 707-428-9107
RFP <– Click here to view

Proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format to:

2025 Lighting Survey Project

Performance of lighting survey and recommended improvements services: The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (District) is requesting proposals from State of California qualified consultants and/or lighting specialist firms to conduct a detailed exterior lighting survey, identify actionable recommendations for improvement, and develop a cost estimate to address safety and security issues associated with limited light coverage at the District’s wastewater treatment plant. The work is located in Fairfield, CA.

  • Pre-Proposal Site Visit: January 14, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Optional)
  • Proposal Due Date: January 31, 2025, by 5:00 PM
  • Project Scope: Conduct a comprehensive lighting survey, evaluate existing lighting systems, and provide recommendations for safety and energy-efficient upgrades, including technical evaluations and cost estimates.
  • Deadline for submitting questions: January 24, 2025
  • Principal contact: Trang Bui – Engineering Technician, 707-428-9130,
  • RFP <– Click here to view
  • Addendum No. 01

Proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format to by the due date, January 31, 2025 by 5:00 PM.